Big thanks to writer Megan Gilmore for including me in her July post, “The One Secret to Stop You in Your Writing Tracks.”
I agree with Megan about writers sharing their points of view of the world. Here’s what she said, “You are a specific individual, and hopefully consider yourself a professional in your writing, and the world needs your view on things. We need more diversity in point-of-view. We need unique settings, unspoken sub-text, really cool situations and never-before-heard of jokes.”
When I teach the Crash Course in Screenwriting workshop at the University of North Florida (UNF), I begin with theme. Theme could be considered the lesson the protagonist must learn to survive the story. When screenwriters write stories inspired by their own life themes, their scripts are more powerful and have more meaning than if they write what they “think” will sell.
Another idea Megan mentions is unique setting. In the class I teach at UNF titled Selling Your Books and Scripts to Hollywood, we discuss the importance of placing stories in unique settings, either a world we haven’t seen a lot or a fresh locale. When I lived in LA and served as a judge for many screenwriting competitions, I read dozens of scripts. The ones that got my attention right away where usually set in a world or location that was unique.
So, check out Megan’s blog and if you live in Northeast Florida, consider joining us for a workshop. You can find a list at
Write on!